About Us


Martin LeBlanc founded LBC Action to support leaders of mission-minded organizations, agencies, and businesses who are ready to work together to drive positive social impact in communities across the country. Over the last eight years, he has facilitated non-traditional alliances between Executive Directors and CEOs focused on strengthening indigenous communities, empowering military families, cultivating youth leadership and civic engagement, and expanding access to the outdoors. His record of leadership and national coalition building includes senior roles at Sixkiller Consulting, IslandWood, and the Sierra Club. Martin lives in Seattle with his wife Mandy, daughter Amelie, and mutt Hope.
How We Work
Our Community
When you engage with LBC Action as a partner or a team member, you are joining a community rooted in a shared appreciation for impact, leadership, and connection. In the LBC Action community, we fight for the greater good with audacity and positive energy. We bring out the best in each other and celebrate our collective wins. We always make time for family, laughter, and adventure. And we stay true to our binding belief that collaboration with a purpose can change the world.

Join Our Team
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