
Collaboration for the Greater Good​

LBC Action fosters cross-sector collaboration for the greater good. We do that through a suite of service offerings that help you define your strategic goals, connect you to peer leaders in the LBC Action network, and provide you with the structures you need to create measurable results for the communities you serve.

We know that strategic planning is not one-size-fits-all. That’s why we work with each individual leader to create an engagement package that meets your unique needs, priorities, and timetable. Whether you choose one, two, or all of our service offerings, our promise is the same: we will support you as a leader, connect you to likely and unlikely partners, and celebrate your impact with you. 

Landscape and Discovery

Building an action plan to achieve your external goals is an inside-out process. We will begin with a thorough, thoughtful inventory of your organization. Conversations with you, your leadership team, and your board will reveal crucial information about your structure, your strengths, and your gaps. These insights will help us define the right objectives and tactics for your stakeholder strategy.

Stakeholder Strategy

There is no shortage of potential partners, funders, and champions for your organization. Developing a thoughtful stakeholder strategy helps you articulate what you are trying to achieve, who you are serving, and whose support you need in order to be successful. Creating a stakeholder strategy also aligns your team around a cohesive vision for the future and gives us a blueprint for the work to be done in the next steps.

Action Plan

Your leadership team may have a strong strategy in place. But, a strategy is not the same thing as a plan. We will create an action plan that has (1) a clear, time-bound goal (2) a straightforward set of metrics and milestones to track progress and evaluate success (3) well-defined roles and responsibilities and (4) the necessary tools and structures for effective implementation. Most importantly, our collaboration does not end with a hand-off. Because LBC Action will manage your action plan for you.


Facilitation comes in different forms and can happen at various points in the process. LBC Action can provide internal facilitation to help your team maintain momentum by reaching consensus around a vision or a strategy. Or, we can lead a facilitation that helps partner organizations develop shared goals or find a common voice. Whenever and wherever the facilitation takes place, we will be there to support at every stage.

Matchmaking & Compatibility Assessment

LBC Action is both a firm and a network of leaders that drive positive social change in many different ways. First, we work with you to develop an internal action plan to support your external objectives. Then, we foster cross-sector collaborations that leverage the complementary strengths of each organization – producing far greater results than either partner could achieve alone.

Implement Structures for Partnership

First, we bring partners and leaders together. Then, we build the scaffolding that allows the partnerships to succeed. This is the nuts and bolts work that leads to real outcomes for you and your stakeholders. In this stage, we establish roles and responsibilities between partners, we set up a communications structure, and we implement the project management tools that will make the collaboration run smoothly. ,

Executive Advising

There is no start or end to leadership development. It is an essential ingredient in every aspect of our work, and it comes in many forms. Sometimes leadership development means helping you build a high-performing team. Sometimes it means working with you 1:1 to resolve a sensitive challenge. For LBC Action partners, leadership development also means joining a peer circle of CEOs and Executive Directors who are ready to grow together.

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